Delinquent Accounts Management
Deposits | Protect your assets – require security deposits to limit risk by type of subscribed service or equipment. Deposits are initially captured through the CRM Module. The software tracks and reports on deposits for the life of the account.
Add, edit, find, delete, apply interest, and set qualification criteria for active and inactive accounts
Control the display of deposit interest and refunds on the invoice
Control with security rights which staff can refund deposits or schedule deposit interest payments
Control if deposits are optional or mandatory based on service type
Refund a single account or refund deposits in mass
Transfer deposits from one account to another
Establish deposit type categories, such as ‘security’, ‘equipment’ or ‘dealer’ deposits
Record deposits separate from prepayments for proper GL tracking
View billed and unbilled deposit history
View deposit reports based on billed or unbilled balance, interest, and refund status
Late Fees | When accounts are delinquent you can auto-generate late fees at the account level.
Define the rules for late payments through customized credit rating definitions
Use the wizard to auto-generate late charges
Base fees on a flat rate; a percentage of the outstanding balance due; or a combination of a flat fee and an added percentage of the outstanding balance due
Establish optional minimum or maximum fees
Flag a customer as exempt regardless of the current outstanding balance
View aging balances including a 'count' field that indicates the number of times the aging balance has been greater than zero
Auto assign the credit rating promotion or demotion
Payment Arrangements | The software takes payment arrangements into consideration when calculating Disconnect Notices.
Track, monitor and report on payment arrangements
Accept postdated payments submitted via check or credit card
Accept monthly installments for customers paying current charges
View payment arrangements and customer receivables on the same screen
Control how ‘exempt’ customers are handled according to your business rules
Exclude payment arrangements from delinquent notices sent
Report arrangements to customer via export to Word document or email
View payment arrangement Logs: 2000 character description, with user’s ID, date and time stamp
View payment arrangement History: retained by status (active, cancelled, fulfilled, expired)
Automatically close out a payment arrangement once the final payment is posted
Disconnect Notices | Auto-generate dunning notices for single or multiple accounts whose balance due is greater than the acceptable balance due.
Automated temp-suspend services for non-payment or disconnect type status
Automated reconnect process
Generate Warning notices or print reminders directly on the invoice
Generate Suspend and Final Disconnect notices
Exempt accounts with payment arrangements
Exempt special accounts, such as essential government or charitable entities
Export and mail-merge in Word or send via email
Credit Ratings on the account control the notice criteria
Generate Auto-Dial files in .CSV format to load messages into a 3rd party application
View Disconnect Notice History individually, by Bill Group, or by Bill Cycle
Write Offs | When the account is no longer salvageable, the system will automatically create a ‘Written-off for Collections’ account file.
Flag accounts with a Write Off status alert code
Select Write Off information based on: charge percentage, charge priority, tax processing method, billing cycle, and statement date
Write Off small outstanding debit or credit balances with Balance to Zero process
Generate Write Off reports in .CSV format to be used for a 3rd party collections agency
Write Off Toll and Taxes individually
Generate a bill after a partial payment has been received on a written off account