About SuiteSolution
About SuiteSolution
Growing a regional communications provider business is a big challenge. Indeed, success requires a highly skilled team and systems that enable efficient data sharing and task coordination.
But as we’ve seen, a solid workflow engine is useful to taming the complexities of the business. And the expert commentators we interviewed gave many fine examples of how a workflow platform can be put to profitable use.
Indeed at each of their organizations, Northflow’s SuiteSolution is the central workflow system that optimizes and glues together their sales-to-order-to-cash processes.

So to sum up, then, here are the main benefits of SuiteSolution:
Increased efficiency & customer satisfaction
Arm salespeople with accurate information about the facilities available at the customer premise.
Deliver services both tailored to your customer’s requirements and synchronized with your operational processes.
Get your highly-skilled people working more efficiently and acting as a team.
Improve your cash flow by 10% or more.
An optimized and accelerated sales-to-order-to-cash process
Deliver operational data immediately — throughout your organization — so each member of your team is working with the most up-to-date information.
Enforce best practice workflows for complex orders.
Reduce your order fulfillment time by up to 50 percent.
Consolidated billing and CRM systems
Manage wireline, wireless, data and IPTV services from a single platform.
Achieve a 360 degree view of your customers.
Generate operational metrics and KPIs.
Eliminate the cost and overhead of multiple systems.

SuiteSolution is by no means a standalone system. In fact, the system was designed with multi-vendor support systems in mind.
Northflow’s product focus is primarily on order processing and workflow, while billing and customer service functionality are available if the operator needs it.
A number of leading Tier 2 and 3 operator software tools are already pre-integrated with SuiteSolution in areas like facilities/ workforce management, network design, point-of-sale, service activation, assurance, and trouble ticketing.
Partners today include CircuitVision, SaskTel, ClickSoftware, Kadence, Master Merchant Systems, and CHR Oasis.

Outfox Your Competitors
The fox is a cunning creature, known for its agility, resilience and cleverness. A company needs those same attributes in order to succeed in the competitive world of business. At Northflow Solutions, we provide the necessary tools for you to become more agile, more resiliant, and more clever.
Ultimately, we’ll help you navigate the wilderness of customer service technology.
To learn more about how SuiteSolution can tame the complexities of business, please contact us at inquiry@northflowsolutions.com.

About the Author of this White Paper:
Technology Research Institute is an analyst firm that has followed developments in telecom software and services since 1994.